The Fat Girl Love Club
The Fat Girl Love Club
By Gabby Metlzer. Self Published.
Softcover, 168 pages, B&W, 2021.
Blurb from Radiator Comics:
In The Fat Girl Love Club by Gabby Metzler, Becky is a lonely, deeply religious 16-year old who writes Christian fan fiction. When her mother is arrested for bribery and extortion, Becky moves in with her pot-smoking grandfather, and quickly makes friends with two other loner classmates, Sasha and Josh. Together they start to draw away from school and church, smoking pot, drinking, and having fun. But Becky starts to feel the unsustainable pull between her strict upbringing and her joyful defiance.
Gabby’s storytelling is both boisterous and nuanced. There are no saints or devils in this story, and every character—even the annoying or creepy ones—are portrayed with empathy. Gabby’s art is vivid, alive, and engrossing!