Splitting Hairs: The Truth About Bad Hair Days
Splitting Hairs: The Truth About Bad Hair Days
By Mimi Pond. Published by Simon & Schuster.
Softcover, 144 pages, B&W, 1998.
From glorious tresses to embarrassing messes, bouffants to comb-overs, and rugs to plugs, here's a hilarious look at hair that will leave yours standing on end!
With her razor-sharp wit, Mimi Pond offers hair-raising glimpses of barbershop and beauty parlor disasters, presents profiles of hairdressers from heaven and hell, and recaps famous hair moments in film and television. She chronicles the major hair trends of the twentieth century and their impact on history providing insight into how hair has built financial empires and ruined political campaigns. To top it off, she provides tips and snippets of information on such topics as:
- Hair and religion: The higher the hair, the closer to God
- Breaking up is hard to do: Good excuses when you change hairdressers
- Curl up and die: Weaves, cellophaning, green hair, oxidation, and other hair-coloring mysteries
- Hair as a political statement, or fifty ways to bug your mother
- The myth of the blonde and where it began