Desolation Wilderness
Desolation Wilderness
By Claire Scully. Published by Avery Hill Publishing.
Softcover, 32 pages, Colour, 2019.
Get Claire Scully's beautiful new book of illustrations
32 full colour pages printed on Tintoretto Gesso stock, 102mm x 152mm.
Desolation wilderness: the continued journal of a sequence of events occurring over a short period of time and in a more specific location in space.
Desolation Wilderness is part of an ongoing project looking at ‘landscape and memory’ - our relationship with the environment, effects we have on the world and space around us and in turn, its profound effect on our own memory and emotions.
There is a place called Desolation Wilderness. It is real. It does exist. This collection of drawings is based on the notion of the ‘idea’ of a place, assumptions that are made about the nature of its existence and where its boundaries lay.
Each landscape is part of a journey through a new and unfamiliar environment, exploring the intersection between physical experience and memory.
Based in London, Freelance illustrator Claire Scully works in pen, ink and digital with a heavy focus on drawing. Her work explores a variety of themes including the relationship between people and the environment.