Are Comic Books Real?
Are Comic Books Real?
By Alex Nall. Published by Kilgore Books.
Softcover, 128 pages, Colour, 2021.
Mr. Nall is a teaching artist in Chicago. He works at an elementary school and teaches a variety of classes in an after school program. Competent for the most part, his classes often result in pratfalls and inadequacies, of which he tries to redeem himself. He wants to be the best teacher he can be for his students. ARE COMIC BOOKS REAL? is the final installment in Alex Nall’s Teaching Comics series, and collects previously unpublished stories focused on his experiences as a teaching artist. Some of these stories are funny, some are melancholic, some inquisitive, others just observations of his students' lives in and out of the classroom. Each of the stories addresses a moment between teacher and student. In a culture where art classes are some of the first to be cut from the budget, these stories showcase how those lessons in the classroom can lead to other strengthening affirmations for both student and teacher.
6”x8” - 128 pages - full color