Announcing the 2024 DCAF (re)Printing Prize!

Announcing the 2024 DCAF (re)Printing Prize!

Really excited to announce the return of the DCAF Printing Prize!

Little Deer Comics & Way Bad Press are teaming up to print 3 mini-comics for the autumn DCAF! Your comic: RISO printed!

Submissions open August 1st and close August 22nd

Click here to submit!
SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! Hope we get to do this again someday!

Submissions must be:

  • Original Comics
  • 8-24 Pages Long
  • 1 Submission Per Creator(s)
  • New or Previously Self-Published Comics

From the Submission 3 comics will be chosen for printing.

The 3 Prize Recipients Receive:

  • 24 Page Comic | 1 Colour RISO | B6 Size | 30 copies for you & 5+ stocked @ Little Deer | 1 Free Exhibiting Table @ DCAF (September 28th & 29th)
  • 12 Page Comic | 2 Colour RISO | B6 Size | 30 copies for you & 5+ stocked @ Little Deer
  • 8 Page Comic | 2 Colour RISO | Folded Zine | 30 copies for you & 5+ stocked @ Little Deer

* This is a Printing Prize *

  • Little Deer + Way Bad are not editing or publishing the prize recipients, simply covering the printing costs. 
  • Creators Retain Full Rights!
  • We simply ask to add the line: "Printed with the 2024 DCAF Printing Prize by Way Bad Press & Little Deer Comics" to the back cover. 

Really excited to bring this back! Money is tight but I've been wanting to do this since the first DCAF Printing Prize in 2019! 

Just some random notes: please remember this is a comic printing prize. Submissions should be comics. I'm calling it a (re)Printing Prize, because I know there's a lot of Irish self-published comics over the last 25 years and I hope some come back into print someday! If you've got an old comic you're still proud of but is out of print, please submit it! 

For the purposes of submissions it doesn't needed to be formatted for print (yet!) but it does have to be a PDF for easy viewing. It will have to be made print ready by September 1st. Please only submit finished comics, no works-in-progress. 

Reminder that this printing prize is for the Dublin Comic Arts Festival! We're expecting artists who live in Ireland to submit, but we'll also accept artists outside Ireland who have exhibited at DCAF before! We want the winners to be able to attend with their comics! 

Special thanks to Conor and Izzy at Way Bad Press for agreeing to this! If it's successful I want to keep doing it!

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